6 max gto charts. charts. 6 max gto charts

charts6 max gto charts  full ring push fold a (1-20 bb) full ring push fold b (4-15 bb) 6 max push fold b (4-15 bb) 3 handed push fold

13 Nov 2023. gtocharts. Top 60%. These charts assume you are playing 100bb deep and that the action is folded to you unless otherwise stated. heads up gto charts; push/fold charts. 6 max cash a; 6 max cash b (200 bb) 6 max cash c (100bb/200bb) tournament. My Opening Raise Preflop charts from each position Learn with flashcards, games, and more — for free. Be wary of jamming your weak off-suit aces. Online 6-max Preflop Charts from 2-Time WPT Champion, Jonathan Little Jonathan Little Reveals: Implementable GTO raising ranges for all positions Optimal Bet Sizing when raising Implementable GTO 3-Betting ranges You make the most decisions preflop of any street. heads up gto charts; push/fold charts. 6 max cash a; 6 max cash b (200 bb) 6 max cash c (100bb/200bb) tournament. Wide Ranging: A GTO strategy in 6 max poker requires a wide ranging strategy, meaning players should have a balanced range of hands that they play in each situation. Bring your preflop skills to the next level in Pot Limit Omaha games by knowing exactly which hands to raise as the first player to enter the pot. plo 6 max gto charts; heads up. Online 6-max Cash Game Preflop Charts. blind vs blind hands) it's possible to calculate game-theory optimal (GTO) shove and calls ranges which are profitable in the long run, based on your stack size, and cards / those of your opponents. full ring push fold a (1-20 bb) full ring push fold b (4-15 bb) 6 max push fold b (4-15 bb) 3 handed push fold charts (4-15 bb) nash heads up charts (1-20 bb) the gurus. full ring push fold a (1-20 bb) full ring push fold b (4-15 bb) 6 max push fold b (4-15 bb) 3 handed push fold charts (4-15 bb) nash heads up charts (1-20 bb) the matrixes. heads up gto charts; push/fold charts. plo 6 max gto charts; heads up. spin and go pre flop guru; blog. full ring push fold a (1-20 bb) full ring push fold b (4-15 bb) 6 max push fold b (4-15 bb) 3 handed push fold charts (4-15 bb) nash heads up charts (1-20 bb) the gurus. 6 max cash. heads up gto charts; push/fold charts. heads up gto charts; push/fold charts. heads up gto charts; push/fold charts. charts. 6 max tournament(100bb) spin and go – gto charts; pot limit omaha. Playing perfect GTO poker pre-flop is a breeze with these. 6 max cash b (200 bb) 6 max cash c (100bb/200bb) tournament. full ring push fold a (1-20 bb) full ring push fold b (4-15 bb) 6 max push fold b (4. heads up gto charts; push/fold charts. Definition. 6 max cash c (100bb/200bb) tournament. This is the raw equity we need to call the open. plo 6 max gto charts; heads up. heads up gto charts; push/fold charts. full ring push fold a (1-20 bb) full ring push fold b (4-15 bb) 6 max push fold b (4-15 bb) 3 handed push fold charts (4-15 bb) nash heads up charts (1-20 bb) the gurus. spin and go pre flop guru; blog. View complete preflop and postflop poker hand charts for every spot. 6 max cash a; 6 max cash b (200 bb) 6 max cash c (100bb/200bb) tournament. plo 6 max gto charts; heads up. With about ten minut blind level intervals. full ring push fold a (1-20 bb) full ring push fold b (4-15 bb) 6 max push fold b (4-15 bb) 3 handed push fold charts (4-15 bb) nash heads up charts (1-20 bb) the gurus. heads up gto charts; push/fold charts. plo 6 max gto charts; heads up. These charts assume you are playing 100bb deep and that the action is folded to you unless otherwise stated. plo 6 max gto charts; heads up. 6 max cash a; 6 max cash b (200 bb) 6 max cash c (100bb/200bb) tournament. Nl poker starting hand chart Learn ultimate poker rules and strategy in 5 minutes Poker starting chart gto hand cheat sheet statistics preflop hands charts max flop beginner cash players strategy ranges pre position. Get The Preflop Advantage now! GTO Preflop 6-Max Cash Game Ranges. I show you almost every scenario you will face. plo 6 max gto charts; heads up. 6 max cash a; 6 max cash b *6 max cash c simple(100bb/200bb) deep stack{old}–see 6 max cash c; tournament. spin and go pre flop guru; free. The RFI vs. spin and go pre flop guru; blog. heads up gto charts; push/fold charts. The earliest position on a 6-max table is the. Sharpen your skills with practice mode. heads up gto charts; push/fold charts. charts. heads up gto charts; push/fold charts. plo 6 max gto charts; heads up. The remaining 40% are mostly calls. Move down the row to the right and find the column that corresponds with your position at the table. To Go. With an intuitive interface and all data stored on your device for offline use, you. I tend to make my UTG opens tighter than HJ recommendations because I'm the first to act. #7. full ring push fold a (1-20 bb) full ring push fold b (4-15 bb) 6 max push fold b (4-15 bb) 3 handed push fold charts (4-15 bb) nash heads up charts (1-20 bb) the gurus. 6 max tournament(100bb) spin and go – gto charts; pot limit omaha. spin and go pre flop guru; blog. 6 max tournament(100bb) spin and go – gto charts; pot limit omaha. 6 max tournament(100bb) spin and go – gto charts; pot limit omaha. 4betting ranges for all positions. Be wary of jamming your weak off-suit aces. spin and go pre flop guru; blog. heads up gto charts; push/fold charts. spin and go pre flop guru; blog. spin and go pre flop guru; blog. 6 max tournament(100bb) spin and go – gto charts; pot limit omaha. plo 6 max gto charts; heads up. 6 max tournament(100bb) spin and go – gto charts; pot limit omaha. The top 60% is usually reserved for short-stacked players shoving from the. 6 max cash a; 6 max cash b (200 bb) 6 max cash c (100bb/200bb) tournament. plo 6 max gto charts; heads up. You can buy GTO cash 6-max charts from simplepoker. Seems pretty easy to navigate and understand. As seen in the charts above, weak aces are losing pushes from UTG and middle position, even with 10bb stacks. full ring push fold a (1-20 bb) full ring push fold b (4-15 bb) 6 max push fold b (4-15 bb) 3 handed push fold. Jonathan Little's site has good opening charts for free, and are specifically 6-max 100BB. heads up gto charts; push/fold charts. 169$ Publication year: 2021 (description of the pack) Designed by: Innerpsy; License duration: 1 year; Works without Pro License; Purchase. full ring push fold a (1-20 bb) full ring push fold b (4-15 bb) 6 max push fold b (4-15 bb) 3 handed push fold charts (4-15 bb) nash heads up charts (1-20 bb) the gurus. BTN. 6 max cash a; 6 max cash b (200 bb) 6 max cash c (100bb/200bb) tournament. 24 hour subscription available for 99 cents with the following GTO Ranges. plo 6 max gto charts; heads up. heads up gto charts; push/fold charts. 6 max tournament(100bb) spin and go – gto charts; pot limit omaha. 6 max tournament(100bb) spin and go – gto charts; pot limit omaha. 3 Handed - Push/Fold Charts. 6%. spin and go pre flop guru; blog. plo 6 max gto charts; heads up. full ring push fold a (1-20 bb) full ring push fold b (4-15 bb) 6 max push fold b (4-15 bb) 3 handed push fold charts (4-15 bb) nash heads up charts (1-20 bb) the matrixes. As seen in the charts above, weak aces are losing pushes from UTG and middle position, even with 10bb stacks. 2 folds. The upside of this strategy is how easy it is to execute. heads up gto charts; push/fold charts. plo 6 max gto charts; heads up. The online 6-max charts are referred to as implementable GTO charts. 6 max tournament(100bb) spin and go – gto charts; pot limit omaha. 6 max cash. g. Match Poker is a format of poker created to be a test of skill – and so a true sporting event. charts. full ring push fold a (1-20 bb) full ring push fold b (4-15 bb) 6 max push fold b (4-15 bb) 3 handed push fold charts (4-15 bb) nash heads up charts (1-20 bb) the matrixes. Specifically, these are 6max ranges from Modern Poker Theory by Michael Acevedo. 6 max cash. ly/3IQscAN. Check out Jonathan Little's pokercoaching app. The positions around a table in a 6-player game. heads up gto charts; push/fold charts. 16%. spin and go pre flop guru; blog. heads up gto charts; push/fold charts. $200 Effective Stacks. The positions around a table in an 8-player game, clockwise from the. heads up gto charts; push/fold charts. 6 Max Gto Charts. heads up gto charts; push/fold charts. Cash: Standard: Get: 4-Max Implementable GTO. UTG, UTG +1, UTG+2 and LJ are gone and HJ could be considered your minimum starting range. plo 6 max gto charts; heads up. 6 max tournament(100bb) spin and go – gto charts; pot limit omaha. How to Use the 6 max Preflop Range Charts. charts. 6 max tournament(100bb) spin and go – gto charts; pot limit omaha. heads up gto charts; push/fold charts. . 6 MAX DEEP(200BB) GTO PRE-FLOP CHARTS. . plo 6 max gto charts; heads up. full ring push fold a (1-20 bb) full ring push fold b (4-15 bb) 6 max push fold b (4-15 bb) 3 handed push fold charts (4-15 bb) nash heads up charts (1-20 bb) the gurus. full ring push fold a (1-20 bb) full ring push fold b (4-15 bb) 6 max push fold b (4-15 bb) 3 handed push fold charts (4-15 bb) nash heads up charts (1-20 bb) the gurus. full ring push fold a (1-20 bb) full ring push fold b (4-15 bb) 6 max push fold b (4-15 bb) 3 handed push fold charts (4-15 bb) nash heads up charts (1-20 bb) the matrixes. plo 6 max gto charts; heads up. spin and go pre flop guru; blog. our unique GTO charts you can quickly find ranges by using a quick mouse-over. heads up gto charts; push/fold charts. 6 max tournament(100bb) spin and go – gto charts; pot limit omaha. heads up gto charts; push/fold charts. heads up gto charts; push/fold charts. How poker hand range charts work! Range Combos. 6 max tournament(100bb) spin and go – gto charts; pot limit omaha. 6 max tournament(100bb) spin and go – gto charts; pot limit omaha. You will be introduced to an open raising range and how to continue with this range when facing a 3-bet. full ring push fold a (1-20 bb) full ring push fold b (4-15 bb) 6 max push fold b (4-15 bb) 3 handed push fold charts (4-15 bb) nash heads up charts (1-20 bb) the matrixes. spin and go pre flop guru; free. heads up gto charts; push/fold charts. The starting hand charts provide you with an excellent foundation for building a winning strategy. More of turbo and normal speed player. 6 max tournament(100bb) spin and go – gto charts; pot limit omaha. full ring push fold a (1-20 bb) full ring push fold b (4-15 bb) 6 max push fold b (4-15 bb) 3 handed push fold charts (4-15 bb) nash heads up charts (1-20 bb) the gurus. heads up gto charts; push/fold charts. In other words, these are the hands you shouldWhen you are on the bubble of a major tournament or are very short-stacked, you will adjust. full ring push fold a (1-20 bb) full ring push fold b (4-15 bb) 6 max push fold b (4-15 bb) 3 handed push fold charts (4-15 bb) nash heads up charts (1-20 bb) the matrixes. 6 Max Gto Charts. Raise First In, Call 1. The more players involved, the more time it takes for action to reach you. charts. The Facing RFI charts show how to play when someone raises before you. 6 max tournament(100bb) spin and go – gto charts; pot limit omaha. When we open-raise UTG, there are five people left to act in a 6-max game, with all but the SB and BB having positional advantage post-flop. 6 max tournament(100bb) spin and go – gto charts; pot limit omaha. 6 Max Gto Charts. #6: The Ultimate Cheat: Bonus Charts. This poker push/fold chart assumes you only are pushing or folding. 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 12 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4. plo 6 max gto charts; heads up. heads up gto charts; push/fold charts. The charts assume 100 big blind effective stacks with an ante in play. Poker preflop strategy: fixed limit preflop hand chart (6 max) for. The Raise First In (RFI) charts show which hands to play when everyone folds to you. plo 6 max gto charts; heads up. Cash Game 6 max GTO charts. If your opponents play too tightly or too loosely, you should make significant. 6 max tournament(100bb) spin and go – gto charts; pot limit omaha. Make the perfect preflop play, everytime. 6 Max - Push/Fold Charts. 6 max cash c (100bb/200bb) tournament. heads up gto charts; push/fold charts. Use. 6 max tournament(100bb) spin and go – gto charts; pot limit omaha. charts. plo 6 max gto charts; heads up. 6 max tournament(100bb) spin and go – gto charts; pot limit omaha. full ring push fold a (1-20 bb) full ring push fold b (4-15 bb) 6 max push fold b (4-15 bb) 3 handed push fold charts (4-15 bb) nash heads up charts (1-20 bb) the matrixes. 6 max tournament(100bb) spin and go – gto charts; pot limit omaha. Love the GTO Chart. Solved depths: 40bb, 50bb, 70bb, 100bb, 150bb, 200bb. Hero… The player UTG has been raising almost every hand, and continues that trend here. full ring push fold a (1-20 bb) full ring push fold b (4-15 bb) 6 max push fold b (4-15 bb) 3 handed push fold charts (4-15 bb) nash heads up charts (1-20 bb) the gurus. plo 6 max gto charts; heads up. heads up gto charts; push/fold charts. 6 max cash. spin and go pre-flop matrix; free. 6 max cash b (200 bb) 6 max cash c (100bb/200bb) tournament. plo 6 max gto charts; heads up. 6 max cash b (200 bb) 6 max cash c (100bb/200bb) tournament. heads up gto charts; push/fold charts. heads up gto charts; push/fold charts. Learn how to play fundamentally sound poker preflop by signing up to get my preflop charts. Check Details. full ring push fold a (1-20 bb) full ring push fold b (4-15 bb) 6 max push fold b (4-15 bb) 3 handed push fold charts (4-15 bb) nash heads up charts (1-20 bb) the gurus. Tournament: Free: Get: 6-Max Implementable GTO Charts Use these preflop charts when playing at a 6-handed table 100bbs deep against tough opponents with no ante. Print the following 1-50 number charts to help them learn numbers50 numbers number icons chart printable red creative. With GTO Cashgame Ranges, you can become a poker wizard in no time. The Advanced Solver Ranges cover: Raise first in ranges for all positions in a 6-max game. spin and go pre flop guru; blog. This is a major leak for newer players. The ultimate tool to elevate your game. As far as 6-max, just shorten up the starting hand ranges for opens. full ring push fold a (1-20 bb) full ring push fold b (4-15 bb) 6 max push fold b (4-15 bb) 3 handed push fold charts (4-15 bb) nash heads up charts (1-20 bb) the matrixes. 6 max tournament(100bb) spin and go – gto charts; pot limit omaha. plo 6 max gto charts; heads up. heads up gto charts; push/fold charts. plo 6 max gto charts; heads up. Equip yourself with these NLHE Cash 6 max GTO preflop charts and build a solid understanding of optimal preflop ranges. 6 max tournament(100bb) spin and go – gto charts; pot limit omaha. plo 6 max gto charts; heads up. full ring push fold a (1-20 bb) full ring push fold b (4-15 bb) 6 max push fold b (4-15 bb) 3 handed. Numeros chart liv count 2nd servicenumber numbered ticket. The Advanced Solver Ranges cover: Raise first in ranges for all positions in a 6-max game. full ring push fold a (1-20 bb) full ring push fold b (4-15 bb) 6 max push fold b (4-15 bb) 3 handed push fold charts (4-15 bb) nash heads up charts (1-20 bb) the gurus. While eight- and nine-handed cash games are the norm in live play, online the majority of cash games play 6-handed. heads up gto charts; push/fold charts. A GTO solver, like GTO+ or Pio, uses a set of constraints (such as initial ranges, sizing strategies, and precision) and then outputs the exact ranges and frequencies that all players in the hand should be using. full ring push fold a (1-20 bb) full ring push fold b (4-15 bb) 6 max push fold b (4-15 bb) 3 handed push fold charts (4-15 bb) nash heads up charts (1-20 bb) the gurus. 6 max cash a; 6 max cash b (200 bb) 6 max cash c (100bb/200bb) tournament. 6 max tournament(100bb) spin and go – gto charts; pot limit omaha. In our store you will find strategies. The lower down the list the Omaha starting hand is versus the best, the more of an edge AA-KK will have over it. Even regular PLO is still quite far from. full ring push fold a (1-20 bb) full ring push fold b (4-15 bb) 6 max push fold b (4-15 bb) 3 handed push fold charts (4-15 bb) nash heads up charts (1-20 bb) the gurus. Solved depths: 40bb, 50bb, 70bb, 100bb, 150bb, 200bb. spin and go pre flop guru; blog. spin and go pre-flop matrix; free. 6-Max GTO Preflop Charts. 6 max tournament(100bb) spin and go – gto charts; pot limit omaha. Totally different situation. 6 max tournament(100bb) spin and go – gto charts; pot limit omaha. plo 6 max gto charts; heads up. Pace mphHow to run 6 minute mile pace longer guaranteed Week 5, day 6: 3 mile pace run! really pushed it today and finishedPace 10k run chart km marathon table train race times pdf. plo 6 max gto charts; heads up. BTN RFI Chart. 6 max tournament(100bb) spin and go – gto charts; pot limit omaha. heads up gto charts; push/fold charts. So you risk fewer blinds, winning the same amount. heads up gto charts; push/fold charts. vs RFI and 3-bet ranges from all positions. Check Details. 6 max tournament(100bb) spin and go – gto charts; pot limit omaha. I show you almost every scenario you will face. Mile kilometer mph treadmill speedsProgressing pace Running pace chart with 10 second intervals between miles times, 530Pace otf treadmill mile orangetheory. 37% Big Blind Vs Button 3. $200 Effective Stacks. spin and go pre flop guru; blog. full ring push fold a (1-20 bb) full ring push fold b (4-15 bb) 6 max push fold b (4-15 bb) 3 handed push fold charts (4-15 bb) nash heads up charts (1-20 bb) the gurus. full ring push fold a (1-20 bb) full ring push fold b (4-15 bb) 6 max push fold b (4-15 bb) 3 handed push fold charts (4-15 bb) nash heads up charts (1-20 bb) the gurus. plo 6 max gto charts; heads up. plo 6 max gto charts; heads up. These charts assume you are playing 100bb deep and that the action is folded to you unless otherwise stated. plo 6 max gto charts; heads up. 6-Max Implementable GTO Charts. 1. 2nd Chart: Shows you, at what stack size or less, the particular hand is a profitable call – i. 6 max tournament(100bb) spin and go – gto charts; pot limit omaha. full ring push fold a (1-20 bb) full ring push fold b (4-15 bb) 6 max push fold b (4-15 bb) 3 handed push fold charts (4-15 bb) nash heads up charts (1-20 bb) the gurus. The charts show you where to start, but you will find better paths later as your knowledge base grows. A full solution for 6-Max No Limit Holdem! No Calculation is. plo 6 max gto charts; heads up. plo 6 max gto charts; heads up. This person is obviously 3betting a much stronger range of hands than a 27/23 LAG with a 3bet of 9. The most efficient way to find your leaks - see all your mistakes with just one click. heads up gto charts; push/fold charts. full ring push fold a (1-20 bb) full ring push fold b (4-15 bb) 6 max push fold b (4-15 bb) 3 handed push fold charts (4-15 bb) nash heads up charts (1-20 bb) the matrixes. Export to MonkerViewer, PIO Solver and ProPokerTools!. heads up gto charts; push/fold charts. plo 6 max gto charts; heads up. Nowadays (2023) almost all preflop range charts are based on GTO (Game Theory Optimal) ranges. 6 max tournament(100bb) spin and go – gto charts; pot limit omaha. gto poker charts. full ring push fold a (1-20 bb) full ring push fold b (4-15 bb) 6 max push fold b (4-15 bb) 3 handed push fold charts (4-15 bb) nash heads up charts (1-20 bb) the gurus. full ring push fold a (1-20 bb) full ring push fold b (4-15 bb) 6 max push fold b (4-15 bb) 3 handed push fold. 6 max tournament(100bb) spin and go – gto charts; pot limit omaha. heads up gto charts; push/fold charts. 6 max tournament(100bb) spin and go – gto charts; pot limit omaha. This does imply calling while being behind your opponent range, like for example calling KJo on the button while the BB have TT+ AQ+ half of the time. The group of starting hands we go all-in with at 8-10BB is colored red, at 6-7BB it is green, 5BB and less purple. 6 max cash a; 6 max cash b (200 bb) 6 max cash c (100bb/200bb) tournament. spin and go pre-flop matrix; free. heads up gto charts; push/fold charts. full ring push fold a (1-20 bb) full ring push fold b (4-15 bb) 6 max push fold b (4-15 bb) 3 handed. spin and go pre flop guru; blog. plo 6 max gto charts; heads up. full ring push fold a (1-20 bb) full ring push fold b (4-15 bb) 6 max push fold b (4-15 bb) 3 handed push fold charts (4-15 bb) nash heads up charts (1-20 bb) the gurus. RR or Fold against 1 Player, Call 3. 6 max tournament(100bb) spin and go – gto charts; pot limit omaha. Your response to a 3-bet should be a fold in 55-60% of cases. heads up gto charts; push/fold charts. heads up gto charts; push/fold charts. UTG RANGE. Feel free to download them by clicking on the images. 6 max tournament(100bb) spin and go – gto charts; pot limit omaha. full ring push fold a (1-20 bb) full ring push fold b (4-15 bb) 6 max push fold b (4-15 bb) 3 handed push fold charts (4-15 bb) nash heads up charts (1-20 bb) the matrixes. spin and go pre-flop matrix; free. MP RANGE. Upgrade Your Pot Limit Omaha Game With This Advanced Preflop Guide - For FREE. heads up gto charts; push/fold charts. Used by top online poker professionals because it’s fast and easy. full ring push fold a (1-20 bb) full ring push fold b (4-15 bb) 6 max push fold b (4-15 bb) 3 handed push fold charts (4-15 bb) nash heads up charts (1-20 bb) the matrixes. Upon purchase, a 3-months premium subscription is provided as a bonus (required for training, access to statistics, and creating your own charts). plo 6 max gto charts; heads up. This poker push/fold chart assumes you only are pushing or folding. This is a major leak for newer players. ; Exploitable: You deviate from GTO and aim to maximise your profits even further. 6 max cash. spin and go pre flop guru; free. 6 max tournament(100bb) spin and go – gto charts; pot limit omaha. You then simply navigate through the dropdown menu to select the stack depth, position, and action sequence. Tune trees were made for NL100 and NL500 limits and they were solved to show which sizes solver prefers to play more. They are solved for $2/$5 nl 6 max cash BUT gto is not necessarily the most ev play especially if you are playing players who are NOT playing close to. This time, I used the ranges from The Poker Lab to estimate a 44% Button opening range and a 12. At more than 20 big blinds (21+), you should consider options other than the push (e. spin and go pre-flop matrix; free. heads up gto charts; push/fold charts. Another clear sign would be if the btn flatting range vs opens is much tighter/non existent. The Preflop Advantage contains 362 GTO preflop ranges for 6-max cash games. The RFI vs. plo 6 max gto charts; heads up. 6 max cash. full ring push fold a (1-20 bb) full ring push fold b (4-15 bb) 6 max push fold b (4-15 bb) 3 handed push fold charts (4-15 bb) nash heads up. Online 6-max GTO Charts; Take note of how your preflop ranges should be constructed. RR 1 Option, Call All. Tune trees were made for NL100 and NL500 limits and they were solved to show which sizes solver prefers to play more. This guide provides the 6 max poker. It shows you when it is profitable to shove a specific hand based on your position and stack depth for the play to be winning you chips even when your opponents are calling perfectly. Sometimes you can choose to open some hands instead of strictly using push fold strategy. GTO Trainer Demo and Tutorial [Beta]. 6 max tournament(100bb) spin and go – gto charts; pot limit omaha. The following chart provides actions on how to defend your big blind in standard game of 6-Max Cash Game No Limit Hold 'em. Hero is dealt on the Button. Additionally you will learn which characteristics and tendencies of the standard opponent the creation of these ranges is based on. 3 - Facing a 3bet (vs 3bet) Ranges show which hands to play when you have raised first in and a player. 0. full ring push fold a (1-20 bb) full ring push fold b (4-15 bb) 6 max push fold b (4-15 bb) 3 handed push fold charts (4-15 bb) nash heads up charts (1-20 bb) the gurus. spin and go pre-flop matrix; free. 1 / 5. The 6 max chart assumes that you are always 100BB deep with no ante. plo 6 max gto charts; heads up. 6 max tournament(100bb) spin and go – gto charts; pot limit omaha. Browse GTO solutions. 6 max cash a; 6 max cash b (200 bb) 6 max cash c (100bb/200bb) tournament. plo 6 max gto charts; heads up. plo 6 max gto charts; heads up. They assume a 2. 6 max tournament(100bb) spin and go – gto charts; pot limit omaha. plo 6. I'm playing with a simple website idea to display GTO preflop ranges. RFI M #009 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. spin and go pre flop guru; free. g. if your opponent shoves (and. plo 6 max gto charts; heads up. If so, check out my FREE Implementable GTO Charts: HERE. In a simple maths calculator, a question might be what is '4 + 4'. 6-Max Tight Aggressive Start Hand Charts (Suggested for newer players.